View the new Tube Guide and Swab Guides. You can also order hard copies via our Order Form.
For Patients
- Your Pathology request form from your Doctor. We accept Pathology request forms from all pathology providers
- Your Medicare Card
- Any specimens you may have collected at home labelled with your full name, date of birth and date and time of the collection.
- Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water
- If you need to fast for your test:
- No food for 8-12 hours before your test
- No smoking or chewing gum
- Drink plain water only (no tea, coffee, juice etc)
- Keep taking your medication unless your Doctor has asked you to stop
Most pathology tests don't need an appointment and you are welcome to go to any collection centre at a time that suits you.
Pathology tests that do require appointments
Pathology tests that do require appointments
- GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test):
- Collection centre: appointments can be made at any of our collection centres
- Times Available: appointments are available at any time before 9:30am
- Venesections:
- Collection centre: Austin Hospital, Repat Hospital, Wallan Collection Centre
- Times Available:
- Austin: Monday - Friday 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm
- Repat: Monday - Friday 1:30pm, 2pm
- Wallan: Monday - Friday 1:30pm
- Short Synacthen Test:
- Collection centre: Austin Hospital
- Times Available: Tuesday mornings
- Platelet Function Test:
- Collection centre: Austin Hospital or Mercy Hospital
- Times Available: Monday - Friday 9am - 12pm by Appointment
Austin Health Pathology has a number of collection centres located throughout metropolitan and regional Victoria. We service regional centres in the Loddon Mallee, Central Highlands and Hume/Goulburn Valley regions.
Please click on the link below to find the collection centre nearest to you.
Find a Collection Centre
If you would like to know more information about your pathology tests you can look up the test on Lab Tests Online.
Where to get your Pathology Results After your tests have been completed your pathology results will be sent to your requesting doctor. Your doctor will provide you with your results and are able to discuss with you what your results may indicate.
If you would like a copy of your test results, please complete the Patient Request for Results Form and give to the collection staff when you are having your pathology test done.
Patient Request for Results Form (PDF)
Please click on the link below to find the collection centre nearest to you.
Find a Collection Centre
If you would like to know more information about your pathology tests you can look up the test on Lab Tests Online.
Where to get your Pathology Results After your tests have been completed your pathology results will be sent to your requesting doctor. Your doctor will provide you with your results and are able to discuss with you what your results may indicate.
If you would like a copy of your test results, please complete the Patient Request for Results Form and give to the collection staff when you are having your pathology test done.
Patient Request for Results Form (PDF)
Some pathology specimens can be collected at home and then dropped off at a pathology collection centre.
Please ensure the specimen container has been labelled with your full name, date of birth and date and time of collection.
Please click on the links below for details of how to collect your specimen.
Please ensure the specimen container has been labelled with your full name, date of birth and date and time of collection.
Please click on the links below for details of how to collect your specimen.
- Faecal Occult Blood Test
- 24hr Urine Collection
- GTT Patient Procedure
- Fasting Blood Test
- Urine Cytology
- H Pylori Breath Test
- MC&S Urine
- Faecal MC&S
- Sputum MC&S Collection
- Sputum Cytology
- Sputum AFB
- Faecal Collection for ova, cysts and parasites
- Urine PCR collection
- Urine AFB
- 24hr Urine 5-HIAA
- Faecal Reducing Substances
Privacy Statement
Billing Policy
Austin Pathology is a not-for-profit pathology service and therefore will bulk-bill you for services covered by Medicare. Medicare Ineligible Patients (including overseas visitors) will receive an invoice for payment of their pathology testing.
There may be a cost associated with testing that is not covered by Medicare and your doctor should discuss this with you before sending you for your pathology test. Austin Pathology will send an invoice to the patient for payment of these tests.
If you receive an invoice and need to make a payment, you can pay over the phone by credit card by calling Pathology Billing on 03 9496 5903
Or you can pay in person, by cash, credit card, cheque or money order, at the cashier on level 1 of the Austin Hospital.
Any queries about costs of tests or an invoice please call the Pathology Billing staff on 03 9496 5903
Billing Policy
Austin Pathology is a not-for-profit pathology service and therefore will bulk-bill you for services covered by Medicare. Medicare Ineligible Patients (including overseas visitors) will receive an invoice for payment of their pathology testing.
There may be a cost associated with testing that is not covered by Medicare and your doctor should discuss this with you before sending you for your pathology test. Austin Pathology will send an invoice to the patient for payment of these tests.
If you receive an invoice and need to make a payment, you can pay over the phone by credit card by calling Pathology Billing on 03 9496 5903
Or you can pay in person, by cash, credit card, cheque or money order, at the cashier on level 1 of the Austin Hospital.
Any queries about costs of tests or an invoice please call the Pathology Billing staff on 03 9496 5903
Austin Pathology welcomes feedback about your experience with our Pathology service. Your feedback enables us to review our practices and improve services.
Austin Health Feedback
Austin Health Feedback