Austin Pathology

Test Directory

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See Our Recently Updated Tests

Test Name Alternative Names Date Updated  
Caeruloplasmin Ceruloplasmin 15/04/24 VIEW TEST
Blood Gases Acid Base, ABG, VBG, Blood Gas Arterial, Blood Gas Venous 10/04/24 VIEW TEST
Mantoux 05/04/24 VIEW TEST
Cyanide 04/04/24 VIEW TEST
Myoglobin - Urine 03/04/24 VIEW TEST
Faecal Osmolality OSM, specific Gravity 28/03/24 VIEW TEST
Vitamin B3 - 24 Hour Urine Nicotinic Acid, Niacin, Vitamin B3, Vit B3 20/03/24 VIEW TEST
Aspergillus Precipitins Mould Precipitins, Aspergillus IgG, Aspergillus fumigatus precipitins, Fungal precipitins 13/03/24 VIEW TEST
Faecal Reducing Substances 13/03/24 VIEW TEST
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae PCR Gonorrhoeae, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae PCR, NGPCR, Gonorrrhoeae NAD 07/03/24 VIEW TEST