Austin Pathology

Test Directory

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Cerebrospinal Fluid - Biochemistry

Alternate Names
Ordering Information

Please state individual tests required.

If "CSF Biochemistry" is requested, only glucose and total protein will be tested.

See collection instructions
Sterile CSF tube
Collection Instructions
Send to the laboratory as soon as possible
Additional Collection Instructions

CSF samples should be sent to the laboratory immediately. Ensure all caps are screwed on correctly to avoid leakage.

If a Xanthochromic Index is required, an additional 1 mL into a 4th CSF tube must be collected.  This tube must be protected from the light by wrapping in foil completely, as the bilirubin and its breakdown products (biliverdin & Bilirubin conjugates) are photosensitive. Failure to wrap a sample in foil may produce falsely negative results.

In neonates and infants a minimum of 300µL is required for Xanthochromia Index.

Minimum Adult Volume
Minimum Paediatric Volume
Test Code
Container ID
Laboratory Notes

Instructions for: Metropolitan & Regional Specimen Receptions

CSF samples should be handled urgently.

Where there are multiple tubes from a lumbar puncture:

  • Tube 3 is for Microbiology and 1, 2 for Biochemistry, Cytology, etc. (If tube 3 is not available for Microbiology, send tube 2)
  • If tap is traumatic (blood-stained), 1 and 3 go to Microbiology for cell counts.

If insufficient tubes are received for the tests requested, please contact the Medical Microbiologist or Registrar