Austin Pathology

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Catecholamines - 24 Hour Urine

Alternate Names
Noradrenaline, Adrenaline, Dopamine, VMA, Vanillylmandelic Acid, HVA, Homovanillic Acid
Ordering Information

Clinical practice guidelines recommend the measurement of metanephrines in plasma or urine over catecholamines for the diagnosis and monitoring of phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Requests received for urine catecholamines testing after 1/10/2019 will be interpreted as a request for urine metanephrines

If VMA or HVA are requested on a child, consult Chemical Pathologist.

Metanephrines (normetanephrine, metanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine), also known as metadrenalines, are the O-methylated metabolites of catecholamines (noradrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine respectively).

Patients are requested to limit intake of tea, coffee, and alcohol and to avoid vigorous exercise prior to testing or during collection period.


Clinical Pharmacology
MBS Number
24 Hour Urine
24 Hour Urine - Acid Bottle (Contains Hydrochloric Acid)
Minimum Adult Volume
Minimum Paediatric Volume
Twice per week
Reference Interval
Noradrenaline < 780 nmol/day
Adrenaline < 80 nmol/day
Dopamine 230 - 3500 nmol/day
Test Code
Container ID
Storage Instructions
Store at 4°C
Transport Instructions
Transport at 4°C
Additional Transport Instruction
Instructions for: Regional Specimen Receptions
  • Please forward all 24 hour urine samples at 4°C to Heidelberg Laboratory for processing.
Laboratory Notes

The pH should be < 4. If not, do not add more acid, but request a recollection.

If VMA or HVA requested on adult, order metanephrines. If patient is a child, consult Chemical Pathologist.