Austin Pathology

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Alzheimer's Disease Screen (CSF)

Alternate Names
AD Screen, AD screening, Alzheimer's Disease Test, Ab1-42, P-tau181, Tau
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Referred Laboratory
Specimen Type


Container Type

Sterile CSF Tube

Medicare Rebate

No - please complete Patient Financial Consent Form.pdf

Out of Pocket Costs

Please note: This service is not Medicare rebatable and patients may be charged. Out of Pocket cost - $400.00

Fee is an indication only; please contact testing laboratory or the NDDL website for up-to date cost. 

Ordering Information

The Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Assay (generation II) for Alzheimer Disease (AD) is an ante-mortem diagnostic test that detects alterations in biomarker protein levels, Aβ1-42, phospho-tau (P-tau), and total-Tau (T-tau) in fresh CSF, which are believed to be directly related to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

A request for Alzheimer's disease screen will result in testing for the following proteins:

Collection Instructions

Please see collection protocol, prior to collection of samples for this assay.

  • CSF must be clear and colourless (not macroscopically haemorrhagic or xanthochromic).
  • Samples for AD screening should not be haemolysed.
Transport Instructions
Transport refrigerated at 4°C
Storage Instructions
Store refrigerated at 4°C
Testing Frequency
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

Contact Microbiology on 03 9496 5295 to confirm add on suitability.

Container ID
CSR Instructions

Instructions for: Metropolitan & Regional Specimen Receptions

  • Sample must be sent to the referral laboratory within 2 days.
  • Samples for Alzheimers Disease Screening should NEVER be frozen.

Instructions for: Heidelberg Sendaways Department

  • Approval should be obtained from a microbiologist prior to dispatch.
  • Specimen Data Sheet must accompany all referrals.
Laboratory Instructions
External Laboratory
National Dementia Diagnostics Laboratory (NDDL), The Florey Institute
Accredited Test