Austin Pathology

Test Directory

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Herpes Multiplex PCR (Blood)

Alternate Names
HSV PCR, HMV PCR, HSV1 PCR, HSV2 PCR, VZV PCR, Herpes Simplex Virus PCR, Varicella Zoster Virus PCR, Varicella zoster NAD, Herpes Simplex NAD
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Referred Laboratory
Specimen Type


Container Type

4 mL EDTA (Purple Top)

Container Image
Medicare Rebate


Out of Pocket Costs


Ordering Information

This test detects the following targets, on blood samples:

  • Herpes Simplex Virus 1(HSV-1)
  • Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)
  • Varicella zoster virus (VZV)

If this test is urgent please contact the laboratory on 03 9496 3100.

Collection Instructions


Transport Instructions
Transport ambient at room temperature
Storage Instructions
Store refrigerated at 4°C
Testing Frequency
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

This test may be added up to 7 days from collection, subject to sample availability.

Container ID
CSR Instructions

Instructions for: Regional Specimen Receptions

  • Forward sample to Heidelberg Laboratory at 4°C.

Instructions for: Heidelberg Specimen Reception

  • Place sample in 4°C Sendout tub.
Laboratory Instructions

Instructions for: Heidelberg Sendaways Department

  • Please refer to microbiologist for approval prior to sendaway.
External Laboratory
VIDRL (Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory)
Accredited Test