Austin Pathology

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Lyso-Sphingomyelin-509 (Blood)

Alternate Names
Lyso Sphingomyelin 509
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Referred Laboratory
Specimen Type


Container Type

Lithium Heparin - No Gel (Green Top)

Container Image

4 mL EDTA (Purple Top)

Container Image
Medicare Rebate

No - please complete Patient Financial Consent Form.pdf

Out of Pocket Costs

Please note: This service is not Medicare rebatable and patients may be charged. Out of Pocket cost - $122.00

Fee above is an indication only; please contact testing laboratory for up-to-date cost.

Ordering Information

Test is for inborn errors of metabolism - Lysosomal metabolism/Sphingolipidoses.

Collection Instructions

Please collect 1 x Lithium Heparin (no gel) tube OR 1 x EDTA tube.

Transport Instructions
Transport ambient at room temperature
Storage Instructions
Store refrigerated at 4°C
Testing Frequency
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

Add ons for this test cannot be performed.

Container ID
CSR Instructions

Instructions for: Metropolitan & Regional Specimen Receptions

  • Lithium Heparin: Lithium Heparin collections need to be centrifuged, aliquoted and frozen at -20°C.
  • EDTA: Do not centrifuge EDTA collections; they are stored and sent at room temperature.
Laboratory Instructions
External Laboratory
Biochemical Genetics, National Referral Laboratory, Adelaide Women & Children's Hospital
Accredited Test