Austin Pathology

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Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (Blood)

Alternate Names
NIPT, Percept
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Referred Laboratory
Specimen Type


Container Type

Streck - Cell-Free DNA BCT® - DEDICATED

Container Image
Medicare Rebate

No - please complete Patient Financial Consent Form.pdf

Out of Pocket Costs

Please note: This service is not Medicare rebatable and patients will be charged. Out of Pocket cost - $449.00

Ordering Information

percept is a non-invasive prenatal screening test (NIPT) that analyses cell-free fetal DNA from the placenta. percept is a genome wide NIPT, looking for conditions across all 23 pairs of chromosomes.

This test can identify pregnancies at increased chance of having a chromosome condition such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) and sex chromosome conditions like Turner and Klinefelter syndrome.

percept is suitable for:

  • women of any age
  • twin and triplet pregnancies
  • balanced translocation carriers
  • donor egg/sperm pregnancies.

To order this test please refer to the information on the VCGS website and use the VCGS request form.

Collection Instructions

Instructions for: Metropolitan & Regional Collections Staff

  • Collection cannot be performed before 10 weeks of gestation.
  • For collection use the NIPT Percept collection kit. Blood collected into an EDTA or ACD (or any other tube) is unacceptable. Please check the expiry of the tube prior to collection.
  • A minimum of 7mL of whole blood is required (see below) to allow for sufficient sample for analysis. A sample cannot be collected into two tubes and combined by the laboratory to make a total of 7mL.

Sample: Cell free DNA BCT (Streck) tube

Transport Instructions
Transport ambient at room temperature
Storage Instructions
Store ambient at room temperature
Testing Frequency
Monday - Friday
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

Add ons for this test cannot be performed.

Container ID
CSR Instructions

Instructions for: Heidelberg Specimen Reception 

  • Place sample in Room Temperature Sendout tub.  
Laboratory Instructions
External Laboratory
Molecular Genetics, VCGS
Accredited Test