Austin Pathology

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Lymphocyte Proliferation Test PHA (Blood)

Alternate Names
Lymphocyte function, lymphocyte proliferation, PHA stimulation, PHA, lymphocyte proliferation PHA, WBPHA
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Referred Laboratory
Specimen Type


Container Type

Lithium Heparin - No Gel (Green Top) - DEDICATED

Container Image
Medicare Rebate


Out of Pocket Costs
Ordering Information

Please discuss the clinical indications with the Immunopathologist on 03 9496 5119 prior to ordering.

This test has specific requirements that should be confirmed with the Immunopathologist prior to collection, including whether a healthy control donor specimen is required along with their consent paperwork. Please contact 03 9496 3100 to speak with the immunopathologist on call.

An FBE must also be co-requested with this test.

Collection Instructions


This test is time critical. Specimen must ONLY be collected on a MONDAY AFTERNOON or TUESDAY MORNING following consultation with the immunopathologist and should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible.

  • If collected on Monday afternoon, a healthy control specimen must be collected at the same time in a Lithium Heparin - No Gel (Green Top). This specimen should be sent with the patient specimen.
  • If collected on Tuesday morning, a healthy control specimen is not required to be collected at the same time. Tuesday morning collections can only be performed at Austin Heidelberg Collections Centre.
Transport Instructions
Transport ambient at room temperature
Send to the laboratory as soon as possible
Storage Instructions
Store ambient at room temperature
Testing Frequency
As Required
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

Add ons for this test cannot be performed.

Container ID
CSR Instructions


Instructions for: Heidelberg Specimen Reception 

  • Register patient sample as per standard operating protocol. If collected, the healthy control sample does not need to be registered but is to be kept with the patient sample.
  • Place sample in Room Temperature Sendout tub. 
Laboratory Instructions

Instructions for: Heidelberg Sendaways Department 

  • Please refer to Immunopathologist for approval prior to dispatch. 
  • Please print FBE resuults and place with samples for dispatch.
  • Transport at room temperature.
  • The specimens must arrive at the referral laboratory by midday, only on a Tuesday.
External Laboratory
Immunology, Royal Children's Hospital
Accredited Test