Austin Pathology

Test Directory

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Oxalate - 24 Hour Urine

Ordering Information

A Creatinine excretion test is performed on 24 hour urine collections in order to confirm the adequacy of the collection.

In timed urine collections other than 24 hours, (+/- 2 hours), the 24 hour excretion cannot be calculated due to different day time and and night time excretion patterns of various analytes

Referred Test
MBS Number
24 Hour Urine
24 Hour Urine - Acid Bottle (Contains Hydrochloric Acid)
Collection Instructions
Please note the time and date of the start and of the end of collection.
Minimum Adult Volume
Minimum Paediatric Volume
As required
Test Code
Container ID
Opt. Container
24 Hour Urine - Plain Bottle
Storage Instructions
Store at 4°C
Transport Instructions
Transport at 4°C
Additional Transport Instruction
Instructions for: Regional Specimen Receptions
  • Please forward all 24 hour urine samples at 4°C to Heidelberg Laboratory for processing.
Laboratory Notes

If a plain bottle is received, it must be acidified with HCl within 4 hours from the end of collection, otherwise it will require recollection.


External Laboratory
Biochemistry, Melbourne Health Shared Pathology Service