Austin Pathology

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Neutrophil Function Test (Blood)

Alternate Names
Chronic granulomatous disease, CGD, oxidative burst, neutrophil ROS, phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species, ROS, NBT, DHR123, DHE, Dihydrohordamine, DHR test for neutrophil superoxide production
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Referred Laboratory
Specimen Type


Container Type

Lithium Heparin - No Gel (Green Top) - DEDICATED

Container Image
Medicare Rebate


Out of Pocket Costs
Ordering Information

Please discuss the clinical indications with the Immunopathologist on 03 9496 5119 (or via Baret Role Based Communicator, if internal) before requesting.

Testing is indicated in patients with a history of recurrent and severe pyogenic or fungal infections and is used to screen patients suspected of having chronic granulomatous disease. Requests for neutrophil function testing as part of a broad initial screen for immunodeficiency should be avoided


Collection Instructions

Please collect 1 x DEDICATED Lithium Heparin (no gel) tube. 

This test is time criticalOnce the request is approved, specimen must ONLY be collected on MONDAYS or WEDNESDAYS (afternoon collection is preferred, to maximise neutrophil survival and function).

Transport Instructions
Transport ambient at room temperature
Send to the laboratory as soon as possible
Storage Instructions
Store ambient at room temperature
Testing Frequency
As Required
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

Add ons for this test cannot be performed. 

Container ID
CSR Instructions

Instructions for: Heidelberg Specimen Reception 

  •  Place sample in Room Temperature Sendout tub.

Instructions for: Heidelberg Sendaways Department 

  • Please refer to Immunopathologist for approval prior to dispatch.  
Laboratory Instructions
External Laboratory
Immunology, Monash Health Pathology
Accredited Test