Austin Pathology

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Urine MCS (Urine - Spot/Random)

Alternate Names
Urine Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity, MC & S, Urinalysis, Urine for Phase Contrast Microscopy, Casts, Haematuiria, Urine Indwelling Catheter, CSU, MSU, Midstream Urine, Culture Urine, Crystal Examination Body Fluid
Test Code
Testing Laboratory
Specimen Type

Urine - Spot/Random

Container Type

70 mL Sterile Container (Yellow Top)

Medicare Rebate


Out of Pocket Costs
Ordering Information

When urethritis is suspected, urethral swabs from men and vaginal or cervical swabs from women are preferred over urine specimens for detection of genital myco/ureaplasmas. See Genital Specimens MCS.

Urine to be examined for red cell morphology and casts should be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours after voiding.

Collection Instructions

The following procedures are for patient-collect specimens and can be collected at home by the patient, with the exception of collection of a urine specimen from a catheter which requires the collector's assistance and drug screening tests which require supervision by the collector's. Please indicate on request if urine is from an indwelling catheter. Urine from a catheter drainage bag is unsuitable for examination.


Mid-Stream Urine (MSU) for Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivities (MC&S)

1. Patient Identification

2. Prepare Collection Equipment

  • 50 mL Yellow top sterile container
  • Three sterile water wipes
  • Label with patient details, the collection date and time

3. Perform hand hygiene.

The collector is required to explain the collection procedure to the patient


  • Cleanse the Labia front and back with a sterile water wipe. Discard the wipe and repeat twice
  • Urinate the first stream into the toilet
  • Collect the flow of the next 30 - 40 mLs into the sterile pot. A minimum of 10 mLs is required
  • Collection of urine should be avoided during menses


  • Cleanse the tip of the penis with a sterile water wipe. Discard the wipe and repeat twice
  • Withdraw the foreskin (if relevant) and urinate the first stream into the toilet
  • Collect the flow of the next 30 - 40 mLs into the sterile pot. A minimum of 10 mLs is required
4. Perform hand hygiene.
5. Send the urine specimen with the request form to the laboratory as soon as possible. Urine to be stored at 4ºC until forwarding to the laboratory.
Transport Instructions
Transport ambient at room temperature
Storage Instructions
Store refrigerated at 4°C
Testing Frequency
Min Test Volume
Add On Test Suitability

This test can be added up to 5 days from collection.

Container ID
Laboratory Instructions
Accredited Test