Austin Pathology

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Immunoglobulin G Subclasses

Alternate Names
IgG Subclasses, IGGS, IGG4
Ordering Information

Total IgG will also be performed when IgG Subclasses are requested. The sum of the Subclasses should be within +/- 15% of the total IgG.

Serum tube (gold cap OR red cap w. yellow insert)
Minimum Adult Volume
Minimum Paediatric Volume
Monday - Friday
Reference Interval
   Reference Interval (g/L)
Age IgG1 IgG2 IgG3 IgG4
>18 years 3.8 - 9.3 2.4 - 7.0 0.22 - 1.76 0.04 - 0.86
14 - 18 years 3.15 - 8.55 0.64 - 4.95 0.23 - 1.96 0.11 - 1.57
12 - 14 years 3.42 - 11.5 1.0 - 4.55 0.28 - 1.25 0.04 - 1.36
10 - 12 years 4.23 - 10.6 0.76 - 3.55 0.17 - 1.73 0.02 - 1.15
8 - 10 years 4.32 - 10.2 0.72 - 4.3 0.13 - 0.85 0.02 - 0.93
6 - 8 years 2.88 - 9.18 0.44 - 3.75 0.16 - 0.85 <0.99
4 - 6 years 3.06 - 9.45 0.61 - 3.45 0.1 - 1.22 -
2 - 4 years 3.15 - 9.45 0.36 - 2.25 0.17 - 0.68 -
< 2 years 1.94 - 8.42 0.23 - 3.0 0.19 - 0.85 <0.78


Please note: Reference Intervals were updated on 19th July 2013 to correspond with a change in assays.

Test Code
Container ID
Laboratory Notes

Instructions for: Metropolitan & Regional Specimen Receptions

  • Ensure that a request for Immunoglobuin G Subclasses (IGS) is not confused with 'Igs' (IG: Immunoglobulin Levels)