Austin Pathology

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Alternate Names
Clozaril® ,Clopine®
Clinical Pharmacology
Lithium Heparin - No Gel (green)
Collection Instructions
Collect at room temperature
Additional Collection Instructions
Collection time prior to next dose (trough).
Minimum Adult Volume
Minimum Paediatric Volume

Time to peak:  2.5 hrs post dose
Half life:  12 hrs (6 - 33 hrs)

Assay performed every Wednesday and Friday.

Dose determination for Clozapine is primarily based upon clinical response/haematological state/metabolic adverse events/cardiac adverse events. Wide inter- and intra-patient variability in plasma Clozapine levels exists and monitoring is useful for assessing compliance or assessing toxic levels.

Whilst some studies have recommended a ‘therapeutic range’ evidence from multiple prospective, randomised, controlled clinical studies on a role for Clozapine TDM in determining dose is lacking. Similarly rigorous evidence of a specific toxic level is not available.

Therefore, the reference range quoted with results (100 to 800 µg/L) is deliberately wider than most proposed ‘therapeutic ranges’ (of between approx 350 to 600 µg/L) and it is based on a range of evidence from different literature reports and on data from our laboratory. Levels > 800 µg/L are flagged as high, < 100 µg/L are flagged as low and levels > 1500 µg/L warrant urgent (telephone) reporting. These ranges have been endorsed by the Director of Mental Health and the Chemical Pathologist at Austin Health. Further reading: Stark A and Scott J 2012, ANZJPsych 46:816-825
Assay performed Wednesdays and Fridays
Twice per week
Reference Interval

100 - 800 ug/L

Test Code
Container ID
Opt. Container
EDTA (purple)
9ml PLAIN (red top)
Storage Instructions
Store serum at 4°C
Additional (Storage) Instructions

Please note that under exceptional circumstances, lithum heparin with gel could be analysed. However, this must be approved by the Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory first.

Transport Instructions
Transport at 4°C
Additional Transport Instruction

The sample should be spun and separated by centrifugation. The plasma should then be transferred to a clean, labelled, polypropylene tube and stored at 4 deg C.